Demo Exhibition Entry Form

If you haven’t used an Exhibition Entry form, you can practice here.

There is also a video to walk you through the process.

Exhibition Name

Please submit one work at a time using this form.

If you are unable to use the form below, please click here for a PDF version of the entry form. Bring a printout of the completed form with you to the club on intake.

All works should be for sale, as this supports both the club and the artist.

Artist Information

Description of Work

E.g. oil on canvas, charcoal on newsprint, fired clay etc.
For painting, drawing etc select 2D. For sculpture, ceramics, etc select 3D
Height work in inches.
Width work in inches.


3. I affirm that the work I am submitting for exhibition is my original work, not a copy, derivative, or based in any way on any other copyrighted or published images of other artistic work.

4. The work was not produced under instruction.

5. I understand that the Art Committee's decision regarding acceptance and exhibition of artwork is final.

6. Work not picked up immediately is stored temporarily in the Art Cupboard, accessible through the staff. Please sign in the Art Binder in the office once you have picked it up.